Damian's notes –

Damian Kula


Hey, I'm Damian!

Currently, I am working as an Engineering Manager for a team of Data Engineers at DeepL. I have the privilege of leading and assisting a dedicated team in managing and organising the fundamental data model around Consumer Data. I transitioned into this role after a year of work as a Data Engineer. During my time at DeepL I worked with a full on-prem, private, Kubernetes-centered cloud stack. Technologies I worked with include: Python & Golang, SQL, dbt, Protobuf & gRPC, Kafka, Clickhouse, k8s, Docker, Argo Workflows & Airflow.

Before DeepL, I was harnessing my skills at the University of Strasbourg. I began as a PhD candidate, transitioning later into a Research Engineer role. Here, I focused on the engineering aspects of Seismology. I was working on projects such as the Ambient Seismic Noise monitoring of underground gas reservoirs. These projects demanded collaboration with multiple industrial partners, making it a dynamic and enriching experience. During that time, I was working an all aspects of a seismological deployment, starting from network design ending on reporting on a scientific results of the project.

Before moving to Strasbourg I was working on seismological projects in Poland both with scientific as well as an engineering perspective I was working as an intern in the Institute of Geophysics of Polish Academy of Science followed by a short, 6 months long contract as Java Software Developer ACC Cyfronet AGH.

Open Source - Noiz

One major outgrowth of my time in Strasbourg was Noiz, my main Open Source project. Noiz is a web-app-based framework designed to process seismological data on a large scale. As the author and primary maintainer of the project, I am continuously working on improving it. By doing this exercise, I am actively developing my skills in system design as well as some advanced Python concepts. This tool is currently used by one of the industrial partners I worked with during my time as Seismologist. You can explore Noiz and its features more at its Gitlab repository. Noiz is a Flask-based web application and extensively relies on Python's scientific stack and uses libraries such as obspy, scipy, numpy, matplotlib and dask.

Work & Interests

While I'm not actively seeking new opportunities, I'm always open to considering an interesting proposition. My professional focal point lies within the domain of distributed computing, scientific computing or data-driven software engineering. Seeking broader development of my programming skills, I am particularly interested in working with languages such as Go, Rust, Zig, or Ocaml. Depending on the potential for impact and growth, I am open to individual contributor as well as engineering manager roles. If you're in need of a versatile engineer or engineering manager within the field of distributed computing, feel free to reach out! Please note, I will only consider fully remote positions that will allow me to work from within the EU.